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Macro Edamame Salad

By Andrew Wirick

Posted in Macros, Recipes

Photo by Andrew Wirick
Photo by Andrew Wirick

This edamame salad is as good as what we typically make. There is one difference as of late--it has a nearly perfect macronutrient profile.

Joanna and I have been intentional with hitting our fat, carb, and protein numbers the past two workweeks. Our food challenge has been simple, but difficult. Keep making food as tasty as before, but hit precise macro numbers. I've been surprised by our results. We've found some key switches in dressings I'm especially excited to share. Also, a simple way to measure macros. I'll share more on that soon too!

This salad is amazing in color and flavor. It's also robust - one of my go-to's is the idea of "changing salads". 2 days in the fridge and it will have different, yet more integrated flavors. I love things that I can make once but have multiple expressions over time.

Close up of edamame salad


  • 1 small red cabbage, loose dice
  • 1 small napa cabbage, loose dice
  • 4 green onion, diced
  • 2 small purple Daikon radish, halved and sliced
  • 1 lb. edamame, steamed
  • 8 oz. firm tofu, diced and air fried/roasted
  • 8 oz rice noodles (keep on the side if doing strict macros)
  • 3 pinches black sesame seeds (white fine also)


  • 2 T mellow white miso
  • 1.5 T of hot Gochujang (less if you don't like heat)
  • 1 T of vegetarian mushroom sauce, vegetarian hoisen, or 1 t maple syrup
  • 1 small lime
  • 1 T low sodium tamari (important low sodium with miso)
  • 3 T water


Chop and cook all ingredients. Prepare the dressing. Toss ingredients in the dressing. Top with Korean chili flakes if you're into a little heated moment. Eat immediately, but also save for leftovers 1 to 3 days later.

Another close up of edamame salad